Sunday, February 28, 2010

Liberal Drinking Link Alert

Anchor Brewing Company, San Francisco, California, since 1896
Quick post to say here's a good list of political sites to read... Even a few off subject links, like, well, to Internet Marketing and Organic SEO. But hey, that's what you get when you're Drinking Liberally in New Milford.

Take a good look at what's going on with this link page. It's a bunch of links, using good anchor text, but as a blog post instead of a separate page. Nice. I like to do even shorter posts like this one with just a few links out, which sculpts more page rank to the intended targets. But that's a lot more work. And takes time. And there's beer to drink.

Links pages aren't so bad, and it's a shame Google discounts them sometimes. I often link to link pages because they're good resources for your readers. For example, if you were going to be looking for a Hawaii beach accommodation like this beach rental house on Kauai, you'd want to know what cool things there are to do in Kauai, and then you'd like to have a bunch of links to cool sites in Kauai.

But I dilute.

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